Including the Figures

In this gallery you will find three types of files:

.tex files
Plain text files containing TikZ code
.svg files
Vector graphics files
.png or jpeg files
Raster image files

To include the .tex files in your documents you may simply copy their contents and paste them in your source code. Alternatively, you can also save them in your machine and use the following piece of LaTeX code:


To include the vector and raster graphics in your documents you may use the \includegraphics command from the graphicx package, as in:

  \includegraphics{NAME OF THE FILE}

Keep in mind that graphicx does not support .svg files, so to include them in your documents you first need to convert them to .pdf or .eps using external tools.


Some of the TikZ drawings require additional LaTeX packages and TikZ libraries to compile.

Packages required for the TikZ figures

To import these packages to your document add the following line to your source code:

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, pgfplots, relsize, tikz-cd, tikz, xfrac}

TikZ libraries required for the TikZ figures

To import these libraries to your document add the following line to your source code:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, calc, matrix, patterns, shapes.geometric}